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We seconded country officially oa vehicles trip in Shanghai surrounding attractions scenic area and other provinces and cities around and coastal city of travel transport business. Mainly to each big enterprises and institutions and state organs and universities and colleges. For years for Shanghai to provide a good satisfactory quality service, Many government agencies, famous enterprises, foreign bodies, tertiary institutions, private companies, such as through us enjoy the network predetermined rapid and convenient, make organizes collective tourism easily get the expected effect. ANXU provide tour vehicles with legal operation qualification, driving the driver for professional tourist drivers of vehicles with many years of tour charter experience. All vehicles containing passengers insurance.


53座:豪華型金龍大巴 53 seat: Kinglong bus luxury
45座:豪華型宇通巴士 45 seat: Yutong bus luxury
37座:豪華型金龍客車 37 seat: Kinglong  bus luxury
33座:豪華型金龍客車 33 seat: Kinglong  bus luxury
17座:福特全順 17 seat: Ford Transit
10座經濟型:華晨金杯 10 block economical: huachen-jinbei
高級職員:別克GL8公務艙 奔馳MB100 

Senior clerk: buick GL8 business class Mercedes MB100 Toyota hiace

*請您注意 根據季節和路程以及景點位置的不同,租車費用會有很大差別。所有車輛均保持干凈整潔、車況良好。

* please your attention according to season and distance and sights in different position, car rental fees may vary greatly. All vehicles are keep clean and tidy, good shape.


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